Stokey Energy

A community energy organisation dedicated to reducing carbon emissions in Stokey Newington, London. Stokey Energy achieves its aims through installing solar and using local energy networks to share excess energy more efficiently.

Initially hired freelance to create the launch film for the organisation at its outset, I also produced brand guidelines and marketing collateral for Stokey Energy while I was employed at Thomas.Matthews.

Launch Film

A key aspect of the film was balancing the friendly illustration style with drone footage and satellite imagery. This allowed the film to present a utopian vision that is based in reality and doesn't alienate people.

I particularly enjoyed the hand drawn element of the design process for this film. This involved experimenting with different pastel textures to represent energy, and illustration styles that would remain accessible to all viewers. Despite some initial difficulty in defining these, once the aesthetic was decided it became easy to roll it out in a time-efficient way.

Branding and Promotion

Following the success of the launch, Stokey Energy required logo artworking, a simple set of brand guidelines, and marketing materials which they could use for events and fundraising.

A key element of this job was for delivered materials to be consistent with the film, and flexible enough to allow future designers to grow the nascent brand. As with many projects that have limited funding, members of the core team were taking on design roles themselves, meaning they needed a series of templates that were easy to use.

Leaside Goes Solar

In partnership with the Leaside rowing club in Clapton, Stokey Energy organised an event celebrating the funding and installation of a solar PV array at the rowing club. This required a bespoke illustration of the Leaside site that retained the Stokey Energy identity, formatted for digital and print.

Stokey Energy Presents

As their first event, Stokey Energy Presents provided a great opportunity for the brand to be applied. The branding of the event emulated the launch film, and was formatted for a range of social media outputs. The materials provided for it were also provided as working templates, allowing the core team to update the design files for future events.

Alongside marketing materials to support the promotion of the events, accessories and templates were produced to aid with the running of the events on the day.  

A series of postcards were also produced to be given away at events. These were printed at local printing co-operative Calverts, using vegetable inks and recycled stock.