Innovation can be hard to depict. Ideas need to be shown as new, while remaining tangible for those who aren't involved. With iPark, we created an ecosystem within which different aspects of innovation could be explored and expressed.

Work on this project was done as part of a team, while I was employed at Thomas.Matthews.

Forming Connections

The iPARK identity positions the organisation as a catalyst of innovation. The logo combines visual metaphors for connectivity and the Jordanian nation, with elements coming together to form a dynamic seven-pointed star.

Creativity is embedded in the brand assets and colour palette. Bold colour gradients communicate the constantly evolving landscape of technology and business, while theme symbols help define the iPARK business offer and specialisation.

Communicating Expertise

iPARK is divided into four areas of expertise: Develop, Lead, Invest, Connect. We developed marques and icons for each of these areas, retaining the energy of the logo and communicating the essence of each theme.

Applying the Brand

To help iPARK develop its brand autonomously, we produced brand guidelines and a range of marketing collateral and stationery templates. We also produced bespoke items such as an icon suite and accessories.